말해보카 앱으로 독학하기 108일 차
오늘의 학습 문장들
건전한 경쟁이 더 좋은 결과를 낳는다고 합니다.
Healthy competition results in the better consequences.
Healthy competition is said to produce better results.
물리학 분야에서 일하는 여성의 수가 늘어나고 있습니다.
The number of woman working in the physics is increasing.
There’s an increasing number of women working in the field of physics.
⭐️ 셔츠에서 단추가 떨어진 걸 방금 알았어.
I just noticed that my button got off from my shirts.
I just realized that my shirt’s missing a button.
⭐️ 의사는 내가 식사를 통해서 충분한 영양분을 섭취하지 못하고 있다고 말했어.
Doctor told me that I don’t taking enough nutrients from the meals.
The doctor said I’m not getting enough nutrients in my diet.
친구가 돈 진짜 많이 주는 아르바이트를 저한테 소개해 줬어요.
My friend introduced me the part-time job really well paid.
My friend introduced me to a part-time job that’s really well paid.
듣자 하니 오늘 저녁 식사 때 라이브로 즐길 거리가 제공될 거라고 하네.
Apparently it’ll provide the live entertains in the dinner.
Apparently there’s going to be live entertainment at dinner tonight.
이 창문들은 이 건물의 독특한 특징입니다.
These windows is a unique features of this buildings.
These windows are a unique feature of the building.
그 레스토랑으로 가는 길 저희에게 알려주시겠어요?
Could you let us know how to get the restaurant?
Do you mind showing us the way to the restaurant?
많은 사람들 사이에 있으면 난 불안감을 많이 느껴.
I feel a lot of anxtiey when I’m in a crowd.
I get a lot of anxtiey when I’m in a crowd.
💯 아, 이런. 또 시작이군.
Oh, Jesus. Here we go.
쿠키가 단 한 개 남았어. 네가 먹을래?
There’s only a single cookie left. Do you want some?
There’s a single cookie left. Do you want it?
차에 설탕 좀 넣어줄까? / 어. / 몇 개나? / 두어 개만.
Do you want some suger in your tea? /. Yes please / How much? / A couple of..
Want any sugar for your tea? / Sure / How many? / Just a couple
너를 기분 상하게 하려고 한 건 아니야.
💯 I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
있잖아, 나는 나보다 어린 사람과는 사귀어 본 적이 없어.
I mean, I’ve never dated people who’s younger than me.
You see, I’ve never dated someone younger than me before.
⭐️ 나는 이번 주에 두 번째로 걸어서 출근했어.
I got to work by walking twice this week.
I walked to work today for the second time this week.
그녀의 목소리에 서려 있는 결의를 느낄 수 있었다.
I could feel the determination in her voice.
I could hear the determination in her voice.
이거 믿을 만한 출처에서 나온 건가요?
Is this from the reliable resources?
Is this from a reliable source?
그는 내가 모든 면에서 변했다고 말했어.
He told me that I changed in the whole way.
He told me that I’d changed in every single way.
⭐️ 그녀는 데이트하기로 한 남자를 기다리면서 카페 밖에서 한 시간 동안 서 있었다.
She was standing outside of the cafe for an hour waiting for a man to date
She stood outside the cafe for an hour waiting for her date.
⭐️ 미국에서 총기에 대한 논쟁은 여러 해 동안 계속되어 오고 있습니다.
The argument about the gun in America is keep going for several years.
The arugment about guns in America has been going on for years.
나중에 게임 같은 거 할 수 있게 새 트럼프 한 팩 샀어.
I bought a new pack of cards to play like a game.
I bought a new pack of cards so we can play something later.
늪에 사는 마녀를 찾아가거라. 그녀는 너를 도와줄 수 있을 거야.
Search for the witch living in the swamp. She can help you.
Go visit the witch who lives in the swamp. She can help you.
⭐️ 다음 지침에 따라 보고서를 작성해 주세요.
Please write the reports as following the guidelines.
Please prepare the report using the following guidelines.
⭐️ 모든 사람은 시간이 지남에 따라 변할 수밖에 없다고 생각해.
I think everyone change as time go..?
I think over time, it’s impossible for people not to change.
난 사람들이 왜 걔를 천재라고 부르는지 모르겠어.
I don’t know why people call him genius.
I don’t get why people call him a genius.
⭐️ 공장 노동자들은 충분한 존중을 받아본 적이 없어요.
The factory labors have never been enough repected.
Factory workers are never given enough respect.
같은 종에 속하는 동물들은 일정한 특성을 공유합니다.
The animals belongs to the same speices shares the same properties.
Animals that belongs to the same species share certain characteristics.
⭐️ 내가 이거 다 차렸는데 하나도 안 먹겠다고?
Are you not going to have anything…?
I prepared all of this for you and you’re not going to eat anything?
모든 사람은 시간이 지남에 따라 변할 수밖에 없다고 생각해. (2번째)
I think over time, it’s impossible for people to avoid changing.
I think over time, it’s impossible for people not to change.
지금까지 피아노 수업 몇 번 받았어?
How many time have you had the piano lessons so far?
How many piano lessons have you had so far?
그들은 주어진 시간과 장소에서 몰래 만나곤 했다.
They secretly met given time and place.
They would meet secretly at a given time and place.
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