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Talk out of/into, Talk someone sense into, Get it out of your system 한글 뜻

by 재키방 2023. 7. 13.

빨간 모자 쌤 원본 영상

오늘의 핵심 표현 3가지

  • Talk into, Talk out of
  • Talk someone sense into
  • Get it out of your system

핵심 표현 뜻

  • talk (some) sense into somebody

누군가를 합리적으로 행동할 수 있게 설득하다

ex) 그러니까 너가 걔 정신차리게 얘기를 해주면..
So if you could talk some sense into him

  • talk somebody in to / out of something

무언가 하도록 / 하지 않도록 설득하다

ex) 자기가 좋다고 하는 일을 그냥 막을 수는 없어요.
You can't just talk him out of something he's passionated about.

  • get something out of your system

(직역) 불안한 마음을 없애도록 하고 싶을 걸 하게 하다
(부가설명) 해보고 싶은 만큼 다 해보는 것, 그걸 더 해보고 싶은 불편한 마음을 없애도록
= to do something that one has been wanting to do so that one no longer feel a strong desire to do it.

ex) 하고 싶은 걸 다 해볼 기회를 주세요.
Give him a chance to get him out of his system.

전체 문장 영어로 말해보기

A: 네 동생이랑 얘기 좀 해볼래?

B: 무슨 얘기요?

A: 학교 때려치고 음악 밴드를 하고 싶다잖아. 내 말은 안들어. 내가 이해를 못한다고만 생각해. 근데 걔가 너는 우러러 보잖아. 그러니까 너가 걔 정신차리게 얘기를 좀..

B: 제가 이야기를 해 볼 수는 있지만 별로 도움이 될 것 같지는 않아요. 그냥 그런 시기예요. 그 나이에는 아주 정상이예요. 자기가 좋다고 하는 일을 그냥 막을 수는 없어요. 하고 싶은 걸 다 해볼 기회를 주세요. 그런 다음에 얘기를 하면 받아들일 거예요.

영어로 써보고 틀린 것 확인하기

네 동생이랑 얘기 좀 해볼래?
Could you talk with you brother?
Could you talk to your brother?
(talk to ~)

무슨 얘기요?
About what?

학교 때려치고 음악 밴드를 하고 싶다잖아.
He wanted to dropped off the school and start a band
He wants to drop out of school and start a band
(drop out of school)

내 말은 안들어.
He doesn't listen to me
He won't listen to me

내가 이해를 못한다고만 생각해.
He just think that I don't understand
He thinks I just don't understand

근데 걔가 너는 우러러 보잖아.
But he looks up to you

그러니까 너가 걔 정신차리게 얘기를 좀..
So, could you talk some sense into him
So if you could talk some sense into him
(talk sense into)

제가 이야기를 해 볼 수는 있지만 별로 도움이 될 것같지는 않아요.
I would try but I don't think I'll do good
I could try talking to him but I don't think it'll do any good.
(try -ing
I don't think it'll do any good)

그냥 그런 시기예요.
It's just a phase
He's just going through a phase.
(Go through a phase)

그 나이에는 아주 정상이예요.
It's perfectly normal in his age.
It's perfectly normal for his age.
(In 아니고 For his age)

자기가 좋다고 하는 일을 그냥 막을 수는 없어요.
You can't just talk out of what he like?!
You can't just talk him out of something he's passionated about.

하고 싶은 걸 다 해볼 기회를 주세요.
Let him just do his system..?
Give him a chance to get him out of his system.
get out of system

그런 다음에 얘기를 하면 받아들일 거예요.
Then he'll be around back..?
Then talk to him. I'm sure he'll come around.

(*come around
2 to change your opinion so that you now agree with someone or are no longer angry with them)